World's first metaverse department store 'THE 75007' launching exhibition

Web 3.0 creative studio hhnms launched the world's first metaverse department store, 'THE 75007', and held an opening exhibition, 'THE 75007 : Ticket to the new vibe'.

The representative partner brand of meta[Z], THE 75007’s commemorative launching exhibition was held at ‘metaz space’ and attracted many visitors. The first-come-first-served Nft airdrop and various gift events through lottery were held together, and the on-site reaction was very hot.

Clone X metaverse Runway

To celebrate the opening of 'THE 75007', CloneX avatars walked on the metaverse 3D runway,  wearing outfits co-produced by partner brands COOR, LTEKS, and Mardi Mercredi.

Through the opening exhibition, ‘NUEF’, the official NFT character of ‘THE 75007’, was unveiled. The Nuef NFT holders will enjoy various experiences and benefits provided by ‘THE 75007’ and partner brands.

THE 75007 plans to present a new lifestyle in partnership with various brands under the slogan of ‘This brings you a new vibe’.